Are you looking to reopen your summer camp this year? Or are you looking to launch a summer camp for the first time?

When planning to open a summer camp, you usually need to think about preparing the space, recruiting campers, and planning activities. But this summer, you have something else to think about: COVID-19. To say COVID has changed our lives this past year is an understatement.

So far in the US, there have been over 31 million COVID cases and over half a million COVID-related deaths. Luckily with the vaccine rolling out, we’re starting to see these rates slow down. However, you still need to be cautious when opening your summer camp.

What should you do to keep your campers and counselors safe? Read on to learn how to run a safe summer camp during COVID.

Create a Low-Risk Environment


Creating a low-risk environment is the best way to keep your campers and camp staff safe. According to the CDC, this means having campers stay six feet apart as much as possible.

Also, you should be prioritizing outdoor activities over indoor activities. Additionally, you should only invite campers from the same local geographic area. And, make sure that the same small group of campers stay together all day. In other words, campers should only hang out with their fellow cabinmates, and they shouldn’t be intermingling with other campers.

We realize that abiding by these recommendations can be tough, especially if you run a large summer camp that normally takes in campers from all over the world. However, for the safety of everyone, it’s best that you abide by these recommendations as closely as possible.

Make Masks a Priority

Make Masks a Priority

Wearing a mask is one of the best ways to stop the spread of COVID-19. Make it a requirement for all campers and staff members to wear masks throughout the day.

You should also provide your campers with information on how to properly wear, remove, and clean their masks. However, keep in mind that children two years and younger shouldn’t wear masks. Anyone who has trouble breathing also doesn’t need to wear a mask.

While you should require every camper to bring their own masks, it’s also a good idea to have some extra ones on hand. You may even want to consider selling them in the camp store.

Know When to Stay Home

It’s also important that campers and staff know when to stay home. Encourage campers and employees who are sick or who have been in contact with a sick person to stay home.

Also, employees and campers should stay home if they’re recently tested positive for COVID. And, make sure everyone knows the rules regarding when they can return to camp after being sick or being exposed to a sick person.

We also suggest you put together pre-arrival screening questionnaires to make sure you’re not letting in anyone who was recently exposed to COVID. You can check out this guide to learn how to put together pre-screening documents.

Time to Get Ready for Summer Camp

what to pack for a camping trip

Now that you’ve read this guide, it’s time to prepare for summer camp. While camp won’t look the same this summer, you can still make it fun and safe for everyone by following the above guidelines.

For more camp-related news and tips, check back in with our blog.

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