There are several different types of dog crates. You can buy them in different sizes, different materials, and whether you can fold them or not. If you travel a lot, you will need to find one that is easy to move, travel-friendly, and airline-approved. Here are a few tips to help you find the ideal dog crates when traveling.

As you start to shop, Cozy Crates suggested few questions you should ask yourself before buying:

  • How will you use the dog crate?
  • What do you need the crate for specifically?
  • Will you use it to travel with?
  • What type of temperament does your dog have?
  • How much do you want to spend?
  • Does the dog crate need to be portable and easy to move?

There are also other things to consider when you choose the best dog crate for traveling. Does your dog like to chew? Is he a strong chewer? Here is a guide that will give you a good idea of how well different types of crates will travel.

Types of Dog Crates

Soft-Sided Crates for Dogs

Soft-Sided Crates for Dogs

Soft-sided dog crates have sides that are made out of a soft, mesh-like material or a material that is similar to that texture. Some of these soft crates use a steel tube frame that allows the crate to have more of a den or crate construction while others may look like a carrying case or backpack.

The type of soft-sided dog crate you should decide on should depend on how you want to use it, how frequently you will use it, and the type of dog you have. You will find out of all the types of dog crates on the market, the soft-sided crates tend to be the most popular choice for dog owners. Not only are they lightweight and easy to carry, but they are also inexpensive, and dogs tend to like them a lot as well. Just keep in mind that they aren’t the best choice for every situation and every type of dog.

The best feature of the soft-sided crate is its weight and portability. That makes them a good choice for traveling by airplane or car. Just remember that there are many safety precautions that you should remember with a soft-sided dog crate before you start to travel with it. For example, soft-sided dog crates aren’t always a good travel option since it isn’t too safe if you leave it unsecured. Make sure you always secure the dog in its crate using a seat belt and also ensure that the dog crate doesn’t move or slide around as you travel.

Plastic Crates for Dogs

Plastic Crates for Dogs

A plastic pet crate is a middle-of-the-road option when it comes to dog crates. It comfortably fits in between metal dog crates and soft-sided crates. While they aren’t the most attractive, they are inexpensive and do the job, which has its own benefits. Sturdier than a soft-sided dog crate, plastic crates give your dog more privacy than even the metal or wire dog crates do.

Even with all the holes in the sides of the crate, ventilation isn’t always enough, so your dog won’t be able to stay in the crate for long periods of time. A plastic crate may also not be the easiest type of crate to clean, depending on the style that you buy. Make sure you choose the right size crate for your dog and also pay attention to its weight limits.

Overall, a plastic dog crate is ideal for a short amount of travel or a quick trip to the vet. You can also use them for traveling on airlines, just make sure that you have confirmed with the airline that they approve the design that you have.

Wire or Metal Dog Crates

Dog Crates

A wire or metal dog crate is usually what people think of when a dog crate is mentioned. A metal dog crate is a good choice for use as a cage or kennel for a dog and features well-ventilated construction that gives you good visibility of your dog and also allows him to see you easily. Metal crates are also a good choice for dogs that like to chew a lot since they are virtually impossible to destroy, although there are some large breed dogs that could probably do the job if allowed.

The benefits of a metal dog crate are its visibility, sturdiness, and good airflow. However, they are not easy to travel with, which is mainly due to their weight. Especially for stronger and larger dogs, the heavy-duty cage that are required will be made out of very sturdy metal that makes them hard to break, but it also causes them to be expensive and not very travel friendly.

Keep in mind that there are also many metal crates that have an easy to fold design, so you can break them down quickly. This allows a dog owner to take the crate along wherever they want to go and makes traveling with a dog crate a bit easier.

Combination Dog Crates

Combination dog crates are a mix of several of the types of crates described above. It’s like a two-in-one crate that allows dog owners to accomplish several things in one crate, so they only have to pay one price instead of two. These combination dog crates can be the best option for some dogs and their owners, particularly if you travel a lot.

However, keep in mind that combination dog crates do have their disadvantages as well. Since they need to serve several different purposes, the combination crate may not be the highest quality since the manufacturer has had to make several compromises to serve all the purposes it is intended for. Also, they will tend to be more expensive due to the number of materials that need to be added to make the combination dog crate.

As you search for the best dog crate for traveling, remember to answer all the questions listed at the beginning. This will help you determine which type of dog crate will be the id4eal dog crates when traveling.

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