Road tripping is always an exciting idea. The more remote and private your trip will be, the more enticing the idea. We all crave to get out and get in touch with the wilderness sometimes, but it’s important that we’re prepared when we do so.

One of the biggest fallbacks of getting out into the wilderness is the fact that we don’t have the power solutions and resources that we’re used to in civilization. Even if you’re just out on the middle of the highway somewhere, you might not have access to electricity for miles if your car dies.

We’re going to talk about some of your options for power while camping, exploring your off-grid power solutions when you need them. Hopefully, the following information gives you some insight into how you’ll power your next camping and road trips.

Camping Power Solutions

best lantern for camping

While you consider your options, you have to think of a few things that might not come to mind at first. Note that power sources often require fuel, personal effort, and have to be appropriate for your environment.

As a result, you have to think about your budget, abilities, and which power sources will meet your needs when you get out there. For example, a generator would be nice if you were hiking deep into the wilderness, but the weight of such a device would probably do more harm than good.

If you’re being economical about the weight of your pack, you’ll have to make some compromises with your power solutions. Further, wilderness campgrounds often restrict individuals from using devices that produce too much sound.

The last thing you want to hear when you get out into your favorite national park is the sound of someone’s generator. You want to lie back, listen to the sound of the nightlife, and drift to sleep away from the sounds of modernity.

The beautiful thing is that there are a number of options available to suit any need.

Solar Power Batteries

For the camper who can pack up their car and move a significant amount of weight, there are a number of solar battery options. These batteries are charged by the sun, portable, wireless, and can hold a lot of power for a long period of time.

Naturally, you have to give the battery time to charge outside. There are outlets to hook up to your vehicle so you can charge while you drive as well. Once that happens, though, many of these devices can serve your purposes for weeks on the road.

For example, the Jackery 500 has enough power for nine drone recharges, 50 phone recharges, and can even keep a small fridge powered for almost two days.

Further, you can see the amount of battery that you have left and plan your usage accordingly. The simple fact that you know you have significant power for a few days can be a game-changer while you’re camping.

When your devices are charged, you know that you can reach out for help if you need it, document your experiences, and feel that little bit of extra security.

Self-Powered Generators

There are generator options that allow you to pedal and produce energy through your own effort. You’re the hamster on the wheel producing electricity.

You just set the device up, find a seat or hook to your bicycle depending on the device, and go. The only challenge with these generators is that they use up a lot of your energy, and you might not have that luxury if you’re wilderness camping.

In many camping excursions, you’re looking to save as much energy as you can. The more work you do, the more food you have to go through, and the less energy you’ll have to get yourself through the day.

That said, it’s not a bad idea to have a self-powered generator on hand in case of an emergency. One thing to note is that cold weather camping almost requires that you’re using energy all of the time.

If you’re not doing work in freezing conditions, your body won’t produce enough heat to keep you comfortable. So, spending some light energy on powering your generator might not be the worst thing in those cases.

Emergency Car Battery Options

Emergency Car Battery Options

Another backup option for car campers is an inverter for their car battery. With the right inverter, you can remove your car’s battery and use it for your own purposes. You just have to have a device that converts DC to AC power, and you can use the battery from your car.

This isn’t a smart thing to use on a regular basis, though, because you might not have enough energy to start your car up afterward. There are ways to monitor the energy level of a car battery, though, and that can make things a little safer.

Long road trips charge your car’s battery as well, so you should have a pretty good charge by the time you get to your campsite.

It’s just wise to have this option as a backup in the case of an emergency. Say that you got your car lodged in some snow and your phone died as a result of the cold. If you’re in the wilderness somewhere, you might not see another car for a few hours.

You’re cold, and you’re worried that you might not receive help. The car battery inverter allows you to charge your phone and reach out to support services. It might also allow you to plug in your portable stove and produce a little bit of heat.

Need More Tips for Camping and Road Trips?

what to pack for a camping trip

There are more power solutions available to you for your next road trip. Plus, it never hurts to gather all of the camping and wilderness tips you can find before you hit the road.

We’re here to help you get all of the information you need. Explore our site for more insight into camping, alternative power solutions, and much more.

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