Have you always wanted to book a trip to Africa? Do wonder what it would feel like to climb to the top of the tallest mountain in Africa? If so, then you need to learn all you can about visiting African landmarks like Mount Kilimanjaro.

This iconic mountain has helped so many people find clarity in their lives. It’s the ultimate destination because it allows you to accomplish a goal that few others will in their lifetime.

See below for an in-depth guide on the many reasons you should go mountain climbing on Mount Kilimanjaro and the benefits that you can expect.

1. Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

Uganda rwenzori mountains

In a lot of ways, Mount Kilimanjaro represents many of the long-term goals that we have in our lives; we list them in a bucket list format, but never take any concrete steps to achieve them.

Most people believe that climbing Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t possible if you aren’t a professional. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are trusted services that you can hire who will help you climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and accomplish a task that few others ever will. But what does that look like?

First, you’ll have an experienced guide to take you to the top. These guides have helped thousands of people get to Mt Kilimanjaro’s summit, and can do the same for you as well.

It’s best to hire a local guide with proper certification. They will have the professional knowledge mixed with a respect for Kilimanjaro’s nature, having grown up so close to it.

Your lack of climbing experience shouldn’t hold you back from this incredible opportunity. You can hire an experienced guide and make this a realistic venture.

Last note on this: make sure that your guide has access to certified Wilderness First Responders, just in case an emergency was to occur.

2. Safe Experience

Safe Experience

Make no mistake about it, during your climb, Mount Kilimanjaro will have some adversity for you and your group to overcome.

For example, you’ll face grueling weather at certain points, have to overcome the sheer cold, and might even have to battle through altitude sickness in certain circumstances.

But does that mean that you’re in harm’s way? Not with the proper guide!

Professional guides can make the entire process possible with their vast expertise. They can identify the symptoms of altitude sickness early on and help you treat it quickly.

The service in the above link is always performing health checks. They keep a sharp eye on your oxygen saturation levels and heart rate.

They bring emergency oxygen for every single climb and are trained in first aid, mountain rescue, and altitude sickness treatment.

You’ll never feel as if the situation is out of hand. Your guide will help set the expectation for you and organize as much of your adventure as possible. When something unexpected occurs, they’ll know exactly how to adjust.

Your safety is the guide’s top priority. They’ll ensure that you enjoy the entire climb and keep you in the best condition possible.

3. The Finest Climbing Experience

Trying out a climbing and bouldering

When some people envision climbing a tall mountain, they envision a struggle with every step. They fear that they’d be miserable the entire time.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re hiking Mount Kilimanjaro with an experienced guide from a trusted service, you have nothing to fear.

Sure, it will be challenging! However, you don’t have to sacrifice anything in your current life to do it. High-quality guide services make sure to pack plenty of:

  • Clean water (as well as water treatment kits)
  • Mountain hardware tents (made for any type of weather)
  • Tents with plenty of room and private toilets
  • Tasty, healthy meals that will keep you energized
  • Sleeping bags created to sustain -30F degrees

As you can see, they think of everything! Before you take off, you’ll know that your group is prepared for anything.

4. Incredible Memories

Incredible Memories

Think of it this way: hike Mount Kilimanjaro one time and you get to talk about it for the rest of your life!

You can use it as the perfect conversation starter; everyone will want to hear more about your experience and the lessons that you learned along the way.

More importantly, it will develop a passion for mountain climbing in general. We’re confident that you’ll want to come back to do it all over again.

Who doesn’t want to brag about climbing a mountain that’s 60 miles wide and 40 miles tall? Schedule your trip today and have an awesome story for the rest of your days.

5. A New Outlook on Life

Get a Full-Body Workout climbing

We guarantee you one thing: after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, you’ll receive a fresh perspective on life.

You will see what a privilege it is to be able to live on this earth and behold the wonders that it contains. Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the seven summits of the world, which few others can say they’ve ever reached.

You’ll see nature and wildlife while climbing past jaw-dropping views everywhere you look. If you didn’t have an appreciation for nature before, you definitely will after you reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

African Landmarks: Visit Mount Kilimanjaro Today

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on the reasons you should visit African landmarks like Mount Kilimanjaro, be sure to book your trip today.

Take the time to browse our website for more articles on planning the perfect African vacation, as well as many other topics that you’ll love.

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