If you’re traveling soon, it helps to get your luggage prepared early. By doing so, you can make sure you have everything that you’ll need on your vacation packing list.

You won’t forget the obvious items, like clothes or shoes. However, it’s possible to overlook a few other things. After all, your mind will probably be too focused on the excitement of your trip.

To help you remember those commonly missed, yet equally important, items, here’s a vacation essentials checklist. Follow it to get ready to travel.

Disinfecting Wipes

Disinfecting Wipes

The Covid-19 pandemic is still a global problem. No matter where you’re traveling, you’re vulnerable to it. So, keep yourself and your loved ones protected by bringing disinfecting wipes.

You can use them on your hands, restaurant tables, public transportation, and almost anywhere else.

Empty Water Bottle

Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, put an empty water bottle on your vacation packing list. It’s convenient to have one to refill as needed. It’ll prevent you from buying water bottles while you’re on the go, too.

Also, remember that TSA doesn’t allow liquids over 3.4 oz. You can’t bring a filled beverage, so take an empty bottle to fill up once you’re past airport security.

First Aid Kit

You should have a first-aid kit on hand, even if you’re doing a house swap instead of a hotel stay. Having your own prepares you for any accidents that could arise. Stock it with supplies such as bandages, antibiotic ointment, and an antiseptic.


You won’t have the best family vacation if it looks like you’ve got bedhead in every photo. A hairbrush should be among your vacation essentials to ensure your hair looks good. Travel-sized ones are available for added convenience.


While you may have outfits planned for each day of your trip, you might be forgetting pajamas. Pack something to lounge around or sleep in.

If you’re traveling alone, a T-shirt and underwear work. But, if you’ve got family with you, bring something appropriate for everyone to see you in.

Charging Cords

Charging Cords

A piece of smart travel advice is to bring charging cords for all your electronic devices. You never know when one will run low and need some extra power. Consider getting a pouch to keep them all organized together.

Medications and Vitamins

Do you take any medications or vitamins? Be sure to pack them. It’s vital to travel with your medications, so you’ll have them whenever needed.


Most forms of public transportation within the travel industry, like airplanes and trains, have built-in entertainment options. They might be movies or TV shows that you can choose or get pre-selected.

But, if you’re not interested in that, it helps to have your own entertainment. Pack a book, handheld video game console, music player, or laptop.

Don’t Forget These Vacation Essentials

Don't Forget These Vacation Essentials

Are you getting ready to travel soon? While you’re packing, don’t forget the vacation essentials listed here. You’ll need them to ensure you’re prepared for your trip!

Looking for more vacation industry articles? You can find them on our website.

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