Did you know that there are nearly nine thousand microbreweries located in the United States alone?

There has never been a better time to be a traveler who enjoys drinking high-quality beer. This is because more and more businesses around the world are starting to brew their own beers.

The problem that many beer lovers face is that they don’t know where to go on vacation. To help you out, we’ve created a guide. Keep reading and we’ll tell you what’s important to know.

1. Check Out the Breweries in Raleigh, North Carolina

most popular beers by state

Not only does Raleigh have more breweries per capita than the majority of large cities in the United States, but it also has Fullsteam Brewery, which is one of the nation’s top breweries.

Fullsteam only uses local ingredients. Not only does it brew some of the nation’s best beers, but it also has ciders for sale.

2. Hop Between Breweries in Washington

Washington is the best state in the United States for drinking beer and it has more than three hundred and seventy-five microbreweries. When you’re figuring out your summer vacation plans, you should make sure to include Washington at the top of your list.

Even though Seattle has the state’s most breweries, you’re likely to have a more unique experience by visiting breweries in the state’s smaller towns such as Margaret River. Consider reading this blog post for more information.

3. The Hudson Valley in New York

There are many beer lovers who fly to New York just so that they can visit breweries in the Hudson Valley. The valley also has many great hiking opportunities.

Best Beers

4. Take a Tour of the Coors Brewery in Colorado

Many thousands of people make the trip to Golden, Colorado to visit the Coors brewery every year. The brewery has been active since 1873 and it is the world’s largest single-site brewery.

5. Drink Guinness in Ireland

If you’re looking to have an unforgettable cultural experience, you should visit the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland. Guinness has been around since 1759 and it’s by far the most popular beer in this part of the world.

6. Drink Beer and Go Flyfishing in Missoula, Montana

Every year it seems like another brewery opens in the small town of Missoula, Montana. This town also has great flyfishing in the summer. If visit during the winter, you can drink beer and go skiing.

7. Visit Ann Arbor, Michigan

Beer Business

Every brewery in Ann Arbor has its own unique brews. One of the city’s top breweries in Salt Springs. This brewery is popular for its ales, lagers, and ciders.

There Are Many Options for Beer Lovers

If you’ve been wondering about the best vacation ideas for beer lovers, keep in mind that there are many thousands of breweries in the United States. If you want to visit one of the world’s most classic breweries, you should consider visiting the Guinness brewery in Ireland.

If you want to find out more about top vacation ideas, don’t forget to visit our blog.

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