Over 80% of American adults prefer to book their travel plans online. If you have an upcoming trip, chances are you used your laptop or smartphone to book flights, hotels, and even excursions.

Your smartphone is more than a travel booking tool. It may become your best safeguard while you’re traveling. Keep reading to find the best travel safety apps to download before your next vacation.

1. Noonlight


Available On: iOS and Android devices

Cost: Free with paid features

Noonlight is an easy-to-use app with plenty of features available on its free version. If you ever feel unsafe during your travels, press your finger on the on-screen button. This button will trigger an alarm sending your location and other vital info to local first responders.

The iOS version has even more free features for Apple users. The Timeline feature allows you to fill in details about your plans such as who you’re going out with and where. The Safety Network feature allows you to add a list of safe contacts who can check in on you and request help to your location.

2. bSafe

Travel Podcast

Available On: iOS and Android devices

Cost: Subscription-oriented ($20/year)

bSafe is similar to Noonlight but offers more useful features. As with Noonlight, you can input contacts (or Guardians as the app developers call them) to keep an eye on you.

Say you want to check out this nightclub while you’re on vacation in Puerto Rico. Though the club and area are safe, you may find yourself in the company of sketchy people. Simply press the SOS button to alert your contacts about your location.

Once the SOS button is triggered, audio and video will begin recording. The recordings are sent to both your device as well as the devices of your guardians.

Activating the Fake Call feature will alert your phone to call you. This can help remove you from unsafe or threatening situations.

The Follow Me feature will invite your Guardians to walk “alongside” you via your phone’s GPS tracking.

The downfall of bSafe is that it operates on a subscription basis after a 30-day free trial. You will need to shell out some money to be able to use the app in any useful capacity.

3. Smart Traveler

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Available On: iOS and Android devices

Cost: Free

Smart Traveler is an official app from the State Department for American travelers. This app is a must-have for anyone traveling to foreign countries.

Smart Traveler provides up-to-date information about the country you’re traveling to. It will notify you of any travel advisories as well as the local American embassy locations in the country.

The app will also provide access to the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). STEP provides travelers with assistance in emergencies like unrest or natural disasters. It also can help your friends and family members reach you in an emergency.

Don’t Leave Without Downloading Travel Safety Apps

Technology can be a traveler’s best friend so use it to your advantage on your adventures. The above travel safety apps are a great jumping-off point for your next getaway.

If you enjoyed this blog, keep browsing our site for more helpful articles. Our travel section is chock full of informative blogs to help you plan and enjoy your next vacation.

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