Poet and writer, Paul Cookson, said, “Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.”

Far from being the nice-to-have shop front that a handful of companies enjoyed a few short years ago, a website is now an essential tool in today’s business landscape. Therefore, just as you would carefully choose the right people to represent your company, it would be smart to develop a website that reflects your business culture accurately.

This raises the critical matter of your website layout.

The design and functionality of your website are vital components of its success thanks to fierce competition and shrinking audience attention spans. With this in mind, we’re delving into the top website layout ideas for 2022 and unpacking why these choices are winning in the online space.

Unpacking Website Layout Ideas

How to Improve a Website

Unless you’re experienced in the fundamentals of online user experience, you would benefit from the guidance of a professional web design agency in this area. Your page layout (or the arrangement of elements on a page) should take the reader on a journey. It should offer a simple guide to what matters most and what they should do next.

A Logical Flow

Our minds have been trained to read from left to right and then back again. This makes pages using the Z-pattern or F-pattern layout a great choice, being uncomplicated and easy to follow. They highlight all the important points and usually end on a call-to-action

A brilliant option for landing pages or those with a lot of text, this website layout takes users on a super-quick visual journey. Additionally, this high-level concept still allows for dozens of different design ideas within the page.

Simple Single Column

A confused visitor will soon click away from your website. Therefore, one of the best website layout tips you can take away from this article is to keep things simple! A single-column layout with emotive imagery will always be a safe choice, no matter your product or service.

This option, when done right, will show your visitor who you are and what you do in a matter of seconds – which is exactly what you want. Often minimalistic with zero clutter, single-column designs are here to stay.

Split Screen Layout

Responsive Design Best Practice: Why Your Website Should Be Responsive

What if your offering needs to speak to disparate audiences? In this case, splitting your screen to show readers where to go is a smart and popular way to manage your layout.

Using imagery, colors, or a combination of the two, a split-screen clearly guides each visitor to where they need to be via the shortest possible route. Whether you choose a 50/50 split or an asymmetrical page layout, this option places your audience on the right path – minus any frustration.

Website layout advice on split screens tends to vary, especially when choosing asymmetrical designs. However, this alternative presents so many opportunities to add weight and interest to certain elements and can be a visually engaging process for the reader.

Bold Blocks

A page of cards or blocks is, hands down, the easiest way to communicate a lot of data or choices in the simplest manner. A grid of blocks offers bite-sized bits of information, often represented with an icon or image, and simplifies the chore of decision-making for your reader.

Website layout must be simple and easy to follow – and grids offer exactly this. Failing that, you’ll find yourself hemorrhaging users and losing traction in the online space.

Create the Best 24/7 Ambassador


You’re unlikely to stumble into a functional and user-friendly website by chance. On the other hand, implementing some of these top website layout ideas will certainly put you on the path to digital success.

Whether you’re looking for website layout advice, or online business and technical information, we’re sure that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Feel free to browse through our related articles to learn more.

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