A convention makes for a great place to showcase your work or products to everyone in attendance. But what happens when someone goes home with your business card and wants to share your work with people they know? That’s where the website portfolio comes in.

Your online portfolio serves to showcase your work and attract clients. As such, it needs to be easy to navigate and pleasant to look at.

Here are five tips for crafting a website portfolio that will attract clients and function as your online resume.

1. Organize Your Projects

Organize Your Projects

Making a fancy-looking website is nice and all, but it won’t mean much if the content isn’t of high value. Collect and organize all of your projects before you start. Which ones best showcase your skillset, and do they present well on your online platform?

And don’t try to upload every single project you’ve worked on. Most people spend under a minute checking out a portfolio, so try to hit them with your most impressive work.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Not every platform is a good fit for every type of content you want to present. Some allow for more creative freedom for those who have experience in web design. Others are easier to use but are more limited.

For example, WordPress offers a lot of versatility with its various plugins and customization options. They also offer hosting plans and a domain name you can take advantage of. It’s one of the most well-known portfolio sites for good reason.

3. Feature Testimonials

feature testimonials

People love looking at reviews to see whether or not a product is worth trying out. Testimonials are a great way to build trust in future clients by showcasing exactly what your previous clients liked about you.

You don’t need to make a dedicated page for these testimonials, either. Sprinkle them throughout your home page or on your product pages.

4. Focus on SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, involves improving your site’s visibility with the keywords it uses. The goal is to have your website appear higher up on a search engine’s results. If more people see your page listed, then you’ll have more search engine visitors.

Effective SEO also boosts your Domain Authority, which measures your website’s overall caliber. Learn more about domain authority meaning to get the most out of it.

Link to Your Other Pages

At its core, a portfolio functions as your online resume with the ability to showcase photos and videos. However, you can also use it to redirect people to your social media pages and other campaign sites. It’s also a good option for promoting your partners and their business.

Crafting the Best Website Portfolio

It’s not easy to attract clients in today’s online environment. However, a solid website portfolio continues to be an effective way to grab a visitor’s attention and keep it. A portfolio also serves as a good jumping point to your other pages where they can hire your services.

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