There is no question as to how important video content is to your marketing efforts. Almost half of people watch an hour of video content on Facebook and YouTube each day.

They watch videos on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch, too.

If you’re looking at your options to outsource video production, you’ll find people who call themselves videographers and cinematographers.

You might think that they’re one and the same, but there are several key differences between the two. What is the difference between cinematography and videography?

Keep reading to find out and how to know which one you need to hire.

What Is Videography?


Videography is the art of capturing moments on video. That makes it sound like anyone with a phone is a videographer.

Yes, and no. While phones capture moments on video, there’s a lot more to professional videography work.

A videographer edits the work, adds music, and takes the raw footage and turns it into an emotional story.

What Is Cinematography?

Cinematography is the art of recording light onto film or video. Cinematographers have the time to consider every single detail of a shot.

They think about what they want to convey. Cinematographers use lighting, camera angles, film exposures, and framing to accomplish the goal.

Cinematographers work on big budget film productions, commercials, and productions that get planned in advance.

In cinematography, there’s more collaboration between clients, cinematographers, directors, and writers.

Hiring a Cinematographer

Hiring a Cinematographer or Videographer

Do you need cinematography services or a videographer? Start with what you want to shoot.

An event such as a wedding, conference, corporate event, keynote speech, or anything else that has a definite beginning and end needs a videographer.

Now, if you want to tell a story, a cinematographer is appropriate. They’ll help you through every part of the process.

Tips for Hiring Top Producers

Whether you want to hire a firm for cinematography or videography, there are a few key things to look for.

Make sure that you know what you want to shoot. Have a clear understanding of the purpose of the video.

The production company will ask you questions about your expectations. If you want to shoot a commercial, they should want to know how it fits into your broader ad strategy.

Look at a production company’s experience. They should have demo reels and testimonials of their most recent work.

Ask them about their processes. How long does it take to produce content? How much input do you have in the final product?

Finally, you’ll want to get a written proposal that contains all of the services provided. Check to see how many editing passes you have.

Cinematography vs. Videography

Know the Difference Between Cinematography and Videography

It’s hard to produce high-quality video content without professional expertise. You have your choice between hiring cinematographers and videographers.

While their services overlap, there are some key differences. Videographers are the best choice to captures events, while cinematographers are appropriate for projects that require more planning.

Now that you know the difference between cinematography and videography, check out the other articles on the blog.

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