Over 60% of all websites today use the WordPress content management system (CMS). It’s easy to learn and allows you to manage content, post articles, and update your website with relative ease.

How can you make sure your WordPress website never falls victim to hackers? WordPress security is essential and even the most reputable sites can have issues if they don’t practice proper procedures.

Let’s talk about the steps you need to take to have a secure site and not only benefit your users but maintain your brand reputation.

1. Keep WordPress Version up to Date

using wordpress

Running the latest WordPress version is crucial for security. Newer versions of WordPress include online security fixes since the last release. By keeping your WordPress version up to date, you can help protect your site exploited by any digital security flaws that may discover.

2. Use a Strong Password and Don’t Reuse

Many ignore what seems obvious, but people still choose weak passwords or recycle them across multiple accounts. Using a strong password and not reusing it keeps your WordPress site secure.

You can mix upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols of at least 12 characters long to make it unique. Finally, avoid using easily guessed words like your name, birthdate, or favorite sports team.

3. Disable Directory Browsing

Directory browsing allows visitors to see a list of all the files and folders in your WordPress directory, giving them a good idea of what information is on your site. By disabling directory browsing, you can make it more difficult for hackers to find sensitive information about your site.

4. Back Up Your WordPress Site

Limit the number of users accessing your WordPress dashboard

You should back up your site a minimum of once a week. And if you want to change your site, be sure to have a backup before and after so you can always rollback. If something happens and it hacks your site, you can always restore it to a previous state.

5. Security Plugin

Security plugins offer a variety of features to help protect your site, including firewalls, malware scanning, and intrusion detection. Install an SSL certificate to encrypt communications between your site and your visitors. Take advantage of WordPress features, such as password hashes and user roles.

Think about using a WordPress security checklist to help you decide which plugins you need.

6. Limit Login Attempts

Another easy way to make your WordPress site more secure is to limit login attempts. If someone tries to log in and fails a certain number of times, it will lock out. Adding CAPTCHA to your login page makes it difficult for bots to attack.

7. Utilize Two-Factor Authentication

Another great way to secure your WordPress site is to enable two-factor authentication. It makes your account even more secure by requiring a second factor, like a code from an app on your phone and your password. It makes it much harder for an attacker to gain access to your site.

WordPress Website

The Importance of WordPress Security

There are many ways to secure your WordPress site, but these tips are a good place to start. Always keep your WordPress and plugins up to date, use strong passwords, and limit login attempts. If you follow these tips, you can help keep your WordPress site secure.

Want to learn more about WordPress security? Check out our other articles about how to keep your free WordPress site protected.

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