What is data security management? It’s the collection of techniques and resources you use to keep your sensitive business data safe.

At any moment, internal and external threats may try to steal/corrupt your company’s data. When used properly, data management thwarts these attacks.

So, then, what types of data security threats are the most dangerous and the most common? And how can your company use data management to protect against these threats?

We’ll explain everything you need to know in the following guide. Read on to learn more.

Types of Data Security Threats

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Data security threats can be internal or external, intentional or accidental. Here are some of the most common types you may encounter.

Viruses and Malware

Viruses can cripple your computer systems in an infinite number of ways. And they can come from almost anywhere: suspicious websites, malicious emails, and even flash drives.

Email Phishing Scams

Email scammers often pose as trusted senders to phish for information. They usually tell you to log into your account to correct some sort of error.

In this way, they steal your login information. Then, they hack into your account and steal even more data.

DDoS Attacks

DDoS stands for “Distributed Denial of Service.” A DDoS attack blocks your ability to use your business network, either partially or completely.

data protection laws

External Cyber Attacks

The attacks described above usually come from anonymous groups or individuals outside of your company. They attack anonymously from the internet, often through automated, AI-powered software.

Internal Sabotage

While internal threats are less common than external threats, they’re often more dangerous. For instance, the saboteur can work at your company undetected for a long time.

During this time, they gain access to your system to copy data, sell it, corrupt it, etc. They can even plant viruses directly into your system with a flash drive.


A simple mistake, in the wrong place and at the wrong time, can have devastating consequences. For example, an employee sending a sensitive email to her boss accidentally clicks “Send to All.” Now, this sensitive information is irreparably revealed to hundreds of unintended contacts.

How Do You Manage Data Security?

Here are the best ways to protect data security:

  • Use strong passwords
  • Don’t allow sharing of login information or devices
  • Limit/track access to sensitive data
  • Train your employees on how to protect sensitive data/avoid careless mistakes
  • Don’t allow employees to download email attachments
  • Use at least two professional-grade antivirus programs

business data

For the best protection, consider getting professional, third-party data security solutions. External IT services are available 24/7 and they provide all the help you need at any given moment.

Remember These Important Data Security Management Tips

Don’t leave your business unprotected. Implement a winning data security management plan according to the advice above.

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