In 2019, before the pandemic, approximately two million homes were equipped with solar panels in the United States.

Since then, more homeowners have become interested in solar power. However, finding a reputable installation company can be difficult with the many options to choose from.

Hiring the best company in your area will ensure the solar panels are installed correctly.

Continue reading to learn how to hire a solar installation company you can trust!


Benefits of Solar Powered Generators

Finding the best company to work with in your area can be difficult. Start by researching each company’s reviews to get an overall idea of how they conduct business. This will help you understand if they are worth working with or not.

Consider each comment and rating to view other customer opinions. You can then pick a few top-rated solar installers to narrow down your options.


Once you’ve narrowed your options, you can dig deeper into each company. You should contact each business directly and ask for a list of references. This list should have the contact information of a few of their previous clients.

Contact these customers to hear their opinions about the work done. Take this time to ask questions about solar panels and their overall experience.


You must always consider pricing when looking for a company to install solar panels. Pricing can vary between companies, meaning you must compare costs to get the best deal. Determine what your home needs before contacting these companies.

You can then get price quotes from each business. These quotes will give you an estimation of what you will be expected to pay. You can also use these quotes to negotiate prices between your options.


Providing solar energy is complex and requires knowledge about the system. Therefore, you must ensure the company you hire has the proper experience in installing solar panels.


Usually, older companies have more experience and have efficient installation techniques. These companies understand most situations and have solutions readily available.


Renewable energy requires extensive knowledge from solar installers. A solar installation company must be licensed to ensure you are hiring a reliable company. This certification will also guarantee the work is done correctly.

Always ask to see each company’s licensing. Failure to provide proof may be a red flag, and you might want to consider other options.


Installing solar power can be dangerous as panels are usually installed on rooftops. Therefore, you’ll need to hire a company with insurance to protect both of you.


Another factor to consider when hiring a solar company is if they offer a warranty on their products. A warranty policy will cover repairs and labor should your panels need servicing.

Solar panel

Choosing a Solar Installation Company

These tips will help you choose a reliable solar installation company. Hopefully, you’ll find a company with the right price and the proper experience.

Don’t forget to read more of our articles to learn how solar energy can help the environment!

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