Having a good website is like having a great business card. It’s not just about telling people what you do but also showing them how you do it—that your company is professional, up-to-date, and has a solid foundation. And that all starts with the images that make up your site’s design. So when you want to download free images/vectors/illustrations, it is crucial to know how to choose the right one for your website or content.

Choosing The Right Images For Your Website/Content

Here are some tips to help you choose the right images for your content or website.

Check The License

Man using computer

Before you start uploading images to your website, it’s essential to check the license. The most common licenses include:

  • Creative commons
  • Public domain dedication
  • Educational use only
  • Editorial use only

Use Your Own Or Someone Else’s Photography

Use images from other websites if you don’t have your own photographs. You can find free pictures of almost any type of subject on the internet, but be sure they’re copyright-free so that they don’t cause any legal trouble for yourself or others down the line.

Choose images from a photo library like 123RF, a site that offers over 200 million royalty-free stock photos, vectors, and 3D photos.

Stick To One Or Two Color Palettes

One of the most important things to remember when choosing images for your website is to stick to one or two color palettes.

For example, if you have a site that sells shoes and accessories, it’s probably best not to use all different colors on the same page. Instead, try using black and white photos with some bright pops of color along with your other imagery. This way, people can see what they’re buying without having too much going on at once!

Pay For Stock Photos If You Have The Budget

stock photos

Stock photos (or media) are a great way to save money when building your website. You can get some of the best stock photos/vectors/footage/audio/tools for free, and there are many quick and free image editing tools to help you edit your images.

Choose An Illustration Style That Is Right For The Brand And Message Of Your Website

When choosing an illustration style, it’s essential to make sure the style of your images matches the style of your website and brand.

The message you want to convey through your website should also play into how you choose an image style. If it’s all about fun travel destinations (e.g., Hawaii), there aren’t many options besides photos showing people playing on beaches in vibrant blue watersides.

However, if it’s about explaining complex concepts (like quantum mechanics), then cartoons might not be as effective because they lack scientific accuracy!

Make Sure Any Illustrations Match Your Theme, Too.

Invest in a great website

It’s important to remember that the illustrations you choose for your website should match the theme, too.

If you use a vector, ensure the illustration is of the correct size and resolution. In the event you are using an image, make sure it is at least 1000 pixels wide and that its resolution matches what is expected for your project.

We hope this post has given you some new ideas for choosing the right images that work best for your brand. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and other brands to help provide their input if you’re unsure.

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