Discord is a platform for gamers where you can chat, voice chat, share videos, and photos, and join various channels with your friends. While it’s great for gaming, you can also use Discord to build a community around any topic, which is something that many brands and businesses have realized over the last couple of years.

Here Are Six Ways To Grow Your Discord Server

Invite Your Friends

3 person sitting and talking together

Whether you’re using Discord for gaming, marketing, or any other purpose, growing your server can feel like a daunting task. But with some time and effort, it is possible to attract new members and increase activity on your Discord. One option is to buy Discord members in order to immediately boost numbers on your server, or you can simply invite your friends. They’ll be able to join in on the fun and start chatting with each other.

More importantly, no one wants to join a Discord server that doesn’t have any users, and by inviting your friends, at least your server won’t be empty. In addition to this, your friends will be active on the server, which is another incentive for people to join. If you have trustworthy friends who are responsible, you could also consider making them moderators.

Add A Server Description

The next thing that you are going to have to do if you want to grow your Discord server in 2022 is to add a server description. When people are looking for a new Discord server to join, they’ll often check out the description first. Make sure yours is catchy and gives potential members an idea of what the server is about.

The most important piece of information that you need to include in the description of your server is what the topic of the server is about, as well as the niche. Your Discord server description also needs to include a call to action that will entice a visitor to join the server.

Use Rich Media Content


Of all the ways that you can grow your Discord server in 2022, one of the leading ways is to use rich media content. Photos and videos are a great way to engage people on Discord. They help break up the text and make the server more interesting.

While of course, many people use discord for a wide variety of reasons, one of the most consistent reasons for users making use of this platform is to be entertained. If you are not using rich media content and instead are just posting walls of text, you are going to bore the members of the server.

Create Channels Based On Interests

Another thing that you need to consider is the fact that even though you have a specific vision for your discord server, that vision might not be shared by everybody. If you want people to stick around, give them something to do! Create channels based on their interests so they can discuss topics they care about.

It’s important to understand that your Discord server can evolve into something other than what you had envisioned. As such, you need to pay attention to the interests of your users if you want them to stick around.

Moderate Conversations Wisely

One of the most important things that you can do to grow your Discord server in 2022 is to moderate conversations wisely. It’s important to keep conversations in check so they don’t spiral out of control into fights or drama. Moderating conversations wisely will ensure everyone has a good time on the server.

Having said that, it’s important not to become a tyrant. Just because you own the Discord server doesn’t mean that you can do anything you please and ban or block anyone who slightly disagrees with you.

Give People An Incentive To Join

a person using discord app

Finally, the last way that you can get more people to join your Discord server would be to give people an incentive to join in the first place. One way to get people interested in joining your Discord server is by giving them an incentive, like exclusive channel access or bonuses for participating in chats.

If there is one thing that people love more than receiving free things, it is feeling like they have earned a reward. By giving people an incentive to join or by rewarding them for participating, you are encouraging the growth of your server.

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