A robust WMS helps businesses to organize efficient and collaborative work. Still, not every digital solution can bring maximum advantages. There is no one-to-fit-all option that can drive an organization’s margin profit. What entrepreneurs should consider to figure out the most advantageous software for their unique case? Let’s find the answers below.

Write Your Goals

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All the WMS are developed according to certain enterprise demands. That’s why you should exactly understand what you’re aiming for in automation software implementation and which tasks it will solve.

Why choosing the first available digital solution without clearly defined objectives can be risky and inefficient? The features number WMS will provide should meet company requirements in sustainability, productivity, scalability, and cost-efficiency. You shouldn’t pay for functions if you will doubtfully use them in practice. Instead, all the software options might be applicable in everyday business processes, increasing your organization’s ROI.

For example, if you plan to optimize inventory traffic, move away from manual task execution to an automated one, improve orders fulfillment and increase employees’ efficiency, you should pay attention to all-inclusive WMS software or those, which allow integration of additional third-party digital products.

Select An Out-Of-The-Box Solution Or Develop It From Scratch

As we’ve mentioned above, business owners can buy off-the-shelf solutions, if their functionality satisfies current and long-term goals or use IT company services, like Euristig, which specializes in customized WMS software development. So let’s find out what variant will better suit your case.

Development Time And Costs

Developing the website

Ready-to-install programs mainly are less long and difficult to integrate, especially, if you don’t have to combine them with an already existing corporate platform. However, such WMS may be costly and even unprofitable for small businesses or startups.

On the other hand, developing software from scratch can be cheaper, because entrepreneurs choose a short list of custom features for company-specific needs. Here, you should understand that the implementation process can last for 4-7 months, depending on its difficulty and the architecture’s expansibility.

On-Demand Characteristics

When choosing custom end-to-end programs, you can change their functionality during the project running according to constantly changing company needs and the latest market demands, which can’t be applied to finished digital products. Moreover, together with the IT experts, you can also integrate existing company sites, CRM, or other corporate infrastructure into a single system.


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The majority of off-the-shelf software can’t support future business growth. You risk facing a lack of capacities and implementing another WMS software proportionate to potential scaling. Why lose money, if you can predict this issue in the initial stage? Invest once in a smooth turnkey solution, capable of coping with the tasks and data volume during warehouse facilities growth.


Summing up, we’ve found that to pick up an effective WMS software, entrepreneurs should previously determine long-term objectives and a set of suitable program features. If a ready-made solution doesn’t satisfy your needs in functionality, investments, and scalability, then building a custom WMS will be the most appropriate choice.

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