Though it may not be at the top of the list, your eCommerce strategy is essential to your overall business strategy. With the right approach, you can make your business grow.

One of the core elements of eCommerce is using a demand side or supply side platform. But, many businesses need to learn the differences.

Knowing each side can help you pick the best platform for your business. Here, we’ll break down both so you can better understand what makes the supply side vs. demand side unique and how you can use both to your advantage.

Managing Inventory and Control Over Price

SSPs and DSPs

There are many differences between supply side platforms (SSPs) and demand side platforms (DSPs). Still, the most important is that SSPs allow publishers to manage their inventory and set prices. In contrast, DSPs allow advertisers to buy ad inventory from multiple publishers in real time.

SSPs also tend to have more sophisticated targeting capabilities than DSPs. Supply side platforms (SSPs) help publishers sell ad space, while demand side platforms (DSPs) help advertisers buy ad space.

SSPs and DSPs both need each other to function correctly.

Supply Side vs. Demand Side: Who They Serve

monetize their inventory

Another critical difference between SSPs and DSPs is who they serve. SSPs serve publishers by allowing them to automate the sale of their advertising inventory. DSPs help buyers by giving them the ability to purchase advertising inventory from multiple publishers automatically.

Supply side platforms (SSPs) and demand side platforms (DSPs) provide a way to connect advertisers with publishers so that ads can be bought and sold programmatically.

On the other hand, SSPs work with publishers to help them monetize their inventory and ensure they get the best ad price. DSPs, on the other hand, work with advertisers to help them find the right publisher inventory to reach their target audience. SSPs typically have more control over pricing, while DSPs have more control over targeting.

Level of Difficulty

level of difficulty

Another difference between SSPs and DSPs is the level of difficulty. SSPs are typically more difficult to use than DSPs. It is because SSPs require a more hands-on approach. In contrast, DSPs offer a self-service platform that is easy to use and doesn’t require a lot of hands-on management.

As a marketer, it is essential to understand the difference between the supply side platform guide and the demand side platform guide. However, each utilizes automation. SSPs are technology platforms that allow publishers to sell their advertising inventory to buyers in an automated fashion.

On the other hand, DSPs are technology platforms that allow buyers to purchase advertising inventory from multiple publishers in an automated fashion. Therefore, SSPs and DSPs are essential in the digital marketing ecosystem. Publishers need SSPs to automate the sale of their inventory, and buyers need DSPs to automate the purchase of stock from multiple publishers.

You may check out here to learn more about demand side platforms and help you reach your advertising goals.

Which Is Better?

Supply side vs. demand side, which one should you use? It all depends on your needs and goals.

If you’re a publisher, you’ll need an SSP. But an advertiser would need a DSP. And if you’re both, you’ll need both.

Furthermore, both the supply and demand sides have advantages and disadvantages. Still, in general, DSPs are better suited for larger advertisers with more complex needs, while SSPs are better suited for smaller publishers with less complex needs.

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