Oftentimes, the most interaction people have with their home’s electrical system is checking the service panel during a power outage. But for many, their interaction may not even go this far.

The more you understand about your home system, the better you’ll be able to recognize and solve problems on your own. You also be able to understand what you need to call professional for.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at the basics you need to know about your home electrical system

Electrical Service Meter

This is the location on your property where the city provides power to your home. This is achieved through service cables that are either installed overhead or underground.

As you use electricity in your home, the meter will keep track of the energy that’s expended. This number is then used as the basis for your bill.

Service Panel

Also known as a ‘breaker box,’ electricity passes from the service cables to this service panel.

It’s home to the circuit breaker, which controls the flow of electricity to other areas of your home. Its size is dependent on the size of your property, as larger homes will have a higher service capacity.

Some homes have an external switch that allows them to disconnect their home form the flow of electricity. Those that don’t can use the main circuit breaker to do so.

It’s important to note, however, that power is always flowing into the meter and service panel from the utility company. You only have immediate control of the current that flows into the house.

Those who have issues with their service panel will likely need to find an electrical construction company to help them resolve it.


Your home’s wiring is a method of organizing the necessary cables and wires that provide electricity to the household. Residential wiring primarily includes two materials:

  1. Conduit
  2. Non-metallic cable

Non-metallic cables are used most commonly and are generally installed in locations that are both dry and protected. Excessive heat, moisture, or physical damage pose a threat to any exposed cable of this type.

Conduit is a material made out of plastic or metal tubing that serves to protect individual wires. It’s most commonly used in garages, sheds, etc.


Anything that uses electricity in your home is considered a device. Outlets, water heaters, and light fixtures are common examples. Once electricity reaches your home, it can be directed to these devices through switches.

Flipping a switch on ‘opens’ the circuit, while turning it off closes the circuit and disconnects it from electricity.

Understanding a Home Electrical System

The process of figuring out how electricity flows through your house can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about the average home electrical system in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward knowing all that you need to in the future.

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