More than 5% of American homeowners make the ultimate decision to replace their roofs every year. Most roofs last an average of 20 years, beyond which you’ll likely begin to note aging and weathered shingles. At this point, you face a possible watershed moment where you must make the ultimate decision.

While replacement of your roof is the ultimate option, you might also be considering reroofing as a short-term alternative. Whichever decision you settle for, you should understand the trade-offs beforehand.

It’s essential to learn about reroofing vs. roof replacement to ensure you make the right decision.

Before you consider a new roof read on to learn everything you need to know about roof repairs

What Is Reroofing?

Reroofing refers to the technique of layering a single set of new shingles over another set of aging shingles. When you consider this alternative, you don’t need to tear down the entire roof to the deck. Reroofing is more practical where your roof has only one layer of roofing in place.

The idea behind reroofing is to ensure that you save on costs. As such, it’s essential to consult a specialist to make sure that reroofing will be a wise choice. There’s no tear-off during the process of reroofing, which makes it a faster alternative.

What Is Roof Replacement?

If you’re a homeowner, it’s essential to consider all your options before making that critical roofing decision. Roof replacement is among the potential alternatives you might consider in the long-haul.

This option refers to the complete tearing off of everything on the roof down to the deck. Roof replacement often makes economic sense when reroofing isn’t an option. However, this alternative is expensive and may cost you an arm and a leg depending on the roof size.

You will need to consider the cost of labor and the materials required during the roof replacement process. This additional outlay often makes roof replacement untenable.

When Is Reroofing a Good Idea?

A roof is one of the essential parts of your home. It protects you from the elements and keeps your home secure from external intrusion. As such, whenever you see the first real signs of your roof aging or of weathered shingles, it’s probable time to hit the panic button.

The initial tell-tale signs of a damaged roof may be anything from leaks to tiles falling off. Before rushing all out to replace the entire roofing system, it would be best to consider reroofing. The only caveat to reroofing is that this option is not available to just anyone.

Reroofing is only possible depending on other factors, such as the type of material on your roof, the design of your roof and the pitch. So, when would it be the best time to consider reroofing as a considered alternative?

Roof That’s Aging but Still in Good Shape

The considered lifespan for most roofs is about 20 years. Even so, there’re roofs that survive way past the 20-year mark. If your roof is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, but it’s still in overall good shape, then reroofing is for you.

A roof that only shows minor leaks may not require the tedious and expensive process of roof replacement. However, it would help if you looked out for significant water damage, soggy, or missing shingles or large amounts of mildew growth before making the final decision.

Most of the roofs that show such extreme signs of damages are better off undergoing a complete makeover. It would be best if you only considered reroofing when the extent of damage on the roof is within repairable extents.

It would be best to obtain an expert opinion on the condition of the roof before making the final decision to reroof.

When Is Reroofing Not a Good Option?

This is a common question for any homeowner. Reroofing should not be a means to cover up an existing problem. As such, there’s a need to ensure that there’s a thorough assessment of the roof deck and the area under the shingles.

If you notice rotting or sagging, then reroofing should not be an option. By placing a new layer of shingles on top of such roofs, you’ll be merely covering over a problem as opposed to providing a solution.

Reroofing is also not for you if the roof is run down beyond repair. The indicators of a severely damaged roof include significant leaks during the rainy seasons and loose shingles.

If your roof is beyond the 20-year mark and is showing these signs, then reroofing should not be an option.

When to Consider Roof Replacement

While saving on costs is at the heart of any homeowner’s thoughts during repairs, getting the best outcome is vital. Roof replacement is the ultimate decision when your gable is beyond any repairs. Nonetheless, it’s important to only consider roof replacement as the last resort.

Once you discover more than one problem with the roof, it may be time to consider a roof replacement. You might also find roof-replacement to be the best option if the shingles are in terrible shape. Expert advice should be sought \to understand the extent of damage to the shingles and the roof before making the final decision.

Advantages of Reroofing over Roof Replacement

Both of replacing and reroofing have certain advantages. Reroofing is cheap and takes less time, which makes it a handy choice in case of emergencies. You may enjoy these advantages if you’re working on a budget.

Roof replacement, on the other hand, is expensive and may require more time to complete. However, this option is permanent.

Consulting a specialist before undertaking roof repair can help you make the best decision on whether to consider reroofing or roof replacement.

Your Options Are Well Cut Out

There are no two ways when it comes to your roof. You must foot the bill when leaks and other signs of aging appear. Before deciding whether to replace the roof or to go for reroofing, it’s good to consider all the trade-offs.

This guide offers you all the information you need before making the ultimate choice. Are you considering a revamp of your roof? It would help to work with specialists to ensure the best possible outcome.

Check out our other articles for more insightful content.

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