An HVAC service call can net your business hundreds of dollars. This could turn into thousands of dollars over the lifecycle of the client. Reviews and word-of-mouth referrals are extra benefits to enjoy while they stay onboard.

How do you land these rewarding HVAC clients? By attracting qualified HVAC leads.

Effective HVAC lead generation is all about best practices and strategy. This roundup shares five of the best ways to get HVAC leads to your business.

Build a Strong Online Presence

A strong online presence for your HVAC business will include:

  • Website
  • Social media
  • Online ads
  • Reviews
  • Citations

The HVAC website is the main “hub” of your online presence and activity. Everything points back to the site from social media posts to links and more. It’s also where you’ll build most of the content later shared on other platforms.

Do invest in 3rd party platforms as this is where those HVAC leads originate. Ensure you at least have a Google My Business listing, Facebook page, and a LinkedIn profile.

Optimize Your Online Assets

Effective lead generation for heating companies starts when online assets perform well. More specifically, it’s when you apply SEO best practices to your site and owned profiles.

Try this basic crash-course for SEO:

  1. Use Google’s keyword research tool to discover keywords for your business
  2. Apply those keywords to their appropriate pages and in the page’s content
  3. Update and expand pages with more sub-topics based on these keywords

You’ll also use the optimization to create content people want to read and share. This helps to get your brand on relevant websites in your industry. The new awareness creates leads and links to your site which helps it rise in Google results.

Ask for Referrals and Reviews

The simple act of asking clients to promote your business do wonders for HVAC lead gen. These patrons already trust and love your brand. All they need is a nudge to get them talking to others β€” thus creating highly qualified leads!

Where can you touch base with clients? Try:

  • Follow-up emails or phone calls
  • Inserts included with invoices
  • Mailers delivered to their inboxes

These tactics also apply for reviews which greatly helps your online listings. Ask for a review from passionate clients and they’ll leave glowing reviews online! These reviews are quite effective in getting new leads interested in what you offer!

Leverage Professional Resources and Services

You know HVAC.

Others know HVAC digital marketing.

There is plenty of DIY lead generation you can do in-house (as mentioned). Yet, you may want to balance it with professional services so it doesn’t take up all your valuable time.

Consider hiring the professionals for:

  • Social media management
  • Paid advertising management
  • SEO and conversion optimization
  • Split testing and reporting

Basically, let them do all the intricate work while you do what you do best.

Shoot and Share Online Video

Online video is on track to be 82% of all Internet traffic by 2022.

Blog posts, graphics, and fancy websites are essential. But, take time to explore online video for your HVAC business since this is where things are going!

Try something like this:

  1. Find a good, quiet spot with nice lighting
  2. Set up your phone on a tripod
  3. Hit record and talk about an HVAC topic
  4. Export the video and make some basic edits
  5. Publish it and get it shared online

Viola! You now have an engaging piece of content that could drive leads.

Create Endless HVAC Leads for Your Business

Everything created for your business becomes a source for HVAC leads. From the site and socials to printed materials and word-of-mouth, explore it all and see what works!

Everything builds on itself, creating more and more opportunities.

Dig around the site and find more business tips and strategies. Put them into action each day. Do this and you’ll create an endless stream of leads for your HVAC business.

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