The essential oils market is set to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4 percent over the next few years.

Since indirect inhalation is one of the most effective ways to enjoy the uplifting benefits of aromatherapy, more and more people are buying scent diffusers to go with their favorite oils. These diffusers break down the aromatic compounds of essential oils, allowing your chosen scent to fill your home.

But what factors should you consider when choosing an essential oil diffuser? Let’s take a look!

1. Investigate Different Diffuser Options

Different Diffuser Options

Are you new to the world of essential oils? if so, a great way to learn more about these powerful plant extracts is to buy essential oils home reference book. This will explain all about different essential oils as well as how there are different oil diffuser options to choose from too.

Before you start comparing costs or thinking about accessories, you’ll need to decide what kind of diffuser you want. Some examples are ultrasonic diffusers, nebulizing diffusers, and evaporative diffusers.

Many people love ultrasonic devices as they provide a subtle fragrance and double up as humidifiers. Although, nebulizing diffusers are popular with people who want a high fragrance intensity but don’t want their diffuser running for too long.

2. Check the Coverage Area

A key oil diffuser feature to check is the coverage area it offers. For example, a diffuser that covers up to 150 square feet is fine for a small, closed area such as a bedroom. But, you would need an oil diffuser with a much larger coverage area of around 500 to 700 square feet for a commercial office space or an expansive open-plan room.

3. Consider Oil Compatibility

Oil Compatibility

Over time you’ll develop preferences for certain scents and types of essential oils. But you’ll need to make sure that the essential oil you plan to use is compatible with the diffuser you’re thinking of buying.

Certain essential oils, such as lemon and lime, can corrode the metallic parts of some devices, while dense oils can clog up diffusers. When checking out various diffuser options, make sure to read the manufacturer specifications relating to the types of oils they’re compatible with.

4. Opt for Easy Cleaning

Diffusers offer the perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria to develop if you leave the water and oil mixture standing in the reservoir for too long. The manufacturer’s instructions will explain how often you need to clean the diffuser, reservoir, and outlet valve. But, it’ll be a lot easier to keep on top of this important task if you choose an oil diffuser that’s easy to clean.

5. Avoid Overheating

Avoid Overheating

When comparing diffuser options, you’ll see that heated diffusers are often the most affordable. But heat can break down the compounds in essential oils. With this in mind, the best devices are those that diffuse essential oils at low temperatures.

Tips for Choosing an Essential Oil Diffuser

As these tips show, there are many different factors to bear in mind before buying an essential oil scent diffuser.

From knowing which oils are compatible with which diffusers to considering the coverage area in which you’ll use your oil diffuser, it pays to do your research before you settle on the perfect diffuser for your needs and preferences.

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