Today, nearly 23.5 million Americans report having a substance abuse problem.

Be it drugs or alcohol, one of the best ways to fight addiction is to attend a rehab program. Here, patients are able to live in a controlled environment and work through their addiction. With the help of doctors and trained addiction specialists, many patients leave rehab feeling confident in their journey to overcoming addiction.

However, returning home from rehab and transitioning back into regular life can difficult. After all, the barriers that prevented that individual from succumbing to their addition are no longer present.

This new sense of freedom can be overwhelming for addicts. But, with the right plan in place, making this transition doesn’t have to be such a threat to your sobriety.

If you’re wondering how to maximize your success after leaving rehab, you’re going to want to read this. We’re outlining the best tips and tricks for how to stay sober post-rehab.

1. Document Your Triggers

First things first, you need to document all of your triggers.

These are triggers that would have been discovered at rehab with the help of trained specialists. While these triggers do vary, common triggers are nightclubs, certain individuals and high-stress situations.

From here, it’s important to outline these triggers to your innermost circle. Having both parties aware of these triggers is the best way to ensure the triggers are best avoided.

2. Connect with Your Sponsor

One major theme in a rehab program is becoming acquainted with a sponsor.

Typically, this sponsor has experienced similar struggles and is now living a healthy and sober life. This person acts as a mentor to the addict to help them through the ups and downs of their addiction.

The support of your sponsor becomes even more significant post-rehab. Take advantage of this relationship and be sure to connect with your sponsor regularly.

Remember, they have been down the same road and act as proof that long-term sobriety is attainable.

3. Attend a Support Group

Similar to connecting with your sponsor, it’s always helpful to join a support group within your community.

This could be anything from Alcoholics Anonymous to a community lead substance abuse group. Having left recovery, it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people that are coping with the same struggles and successes as yourself.

If you feel that your addiction is still overtaking your life, it may be in your best interest to attend a second rehab facility. See more about how these facilities can help you today.

4. Develop an Exercise Routine

In all those years feeding substances into your system, it’s finally time to give back to your body. In simple terms, exercise provides endorphins to your brain that are similar to that of a natural high.

In addition to the direct benefits of exercise, staying fit also helps to distract the body and mind. This is especially beneficial when an addict is experiencing a craving or is battling a trigger.

On a similar note, it’s equally important to incorporate healthy and bountiful foods back into your system. This is the opportunity to nourish your body with the vitamins and goodness that it so craves. Β 

5. Volunteer Your Time

Plain and simple, giving back to your community is a feel-good activity that is good for your mental health.

Even committing to volunteering once per week will help to establish a healthy routine and leave one feeling happy and grateful.

This is especially helpful for those who felt they may have done wrong in their years as an addict. To give back and volunteer your time may help to minimize the internal struggle that you may experience in yourself.

6. Incorporate Reading or Journaling

Many recovering addicts find it helpful to read non-fiction accounts and portrayals of addiction and the journey to sobriety.

You can also consider incorporating writing and journaling into their routine. Remember, journaling doesn’t have to be a daily analysis of your day.

Instead, consider starting a gratitude journal that documents what you feel grateful for each and every day. When bad days present themselves, it’s helpful to look back to your journal and remember the things that you felt grateful for.

7. Seek Online Advice and Companionship Β 

While in a rehab facility, addicts are surrounded by like-minded folk who are all connected by one common goal: sobriety.

Having such a common goal can help to minimize the difficulty and temptation that arises in the struggle to overcome addiction. However, upon returning home, that individual is no longer surrounded by such a community.

Fortunately, you can seek companionship and advice through online communities. Today, there are countless sober communities online that provide support and friendship to other recovering addicts.

Whether in person or online, having this connection to other like-minded individuals is always beneficial to your sobriety journey.

8. Consider Adopting a Pet

Upon leaving rehab, many recovering addicts struggle with the lack of accountability they face when transitioning back into their regular life.

While they may feel accountable to their sponsor as well as friends and family, the day-to-day accountability is no longer present.

Having a pet can help you to feel a sense of accountability and present added structure to your daily life. Having a pet that requires your love and attention helps to give you a sense of responsibility.

Tips for How to Stay Sober

Of the millions of Americans that suffer from addiction today, only a reported ten percent will attend a rehab facility.

While the most challenging aspect of recovery may be detoxing from the drug itself, the road to recovery doesn’t stop there.

That being said, it’s crucial to have a detailed plan for how to stay sober after leaving rehab. This plan can include anything from connecting with sponsors and committing to a support group to developing an exercise routine and seeking companionship in online communities.

With the right plan in place, staying sober doesn’t have to feel so defeating for those in recovery.

To learn more tips and tricks on healthy living and wellness, be sure to visit our webpage.

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