Whether you currently work in the medical field or if you’re interested in learning more about advances in patient care, you likely already know that health technology information plays a huge role in improving care. 

But you may not be aware of the latest healthcare technology.

Now is the time to find out about the amazing advancements that medical technology has made in the past few years. 

Read on to learn more about how things like remote patient monitoring, augmented reality, and more play a role in your healthcare. 

1. Tech-Based Inhalers 

Roughly 90% of people who use inhalers to manage their asthma or other respiratory issues aren’t actually using them correctly. 

This means that they continue to deal with difficult symptoms, discomfort and that it’s much easier for their conditions to rapidly worsen. 

The latest healthcare technology is here to help ensure that patients are using their inhalers as effectively as is possible. 

Essentially, today’s smart inhalers use Bluetooth technology to keep a record of when patients used their inhalers and the exact dosage they took. They will alert patients if they did not use the correct dosage, and then send the medical data to their smartphones. 

If needed, the data can also be sent to their medical doctors although privacy concerns still exist depending on what information is shared and whether any third parties would gain access.

2. Augmented Reality and Robotic Surgery

Perhaps one of the most exciting health technology resources is the rise of robotic surgery along with augmented reality used during the procedure. 

So much of surgery depends on minuscule movements and minute adjustments. Unfortunately, this means that it’s easy for a surgeon to make a mistake — or not be able to perform the surgery at all. 

Robotic surgery offers greater control and flexibility, especially when combined with augmented reality. AR allows surgeons to see an artificial image of a patient’s organs, access their health records and vitals in real-time, and much more. 

This post offers a more detailed look at the role of AR and even virtual reality in surgery. 

3. The Rise of Telemedicine in Healthcare Technology

Many health technology companies are shifting their focus from in-office appointments to telemedicine. 

In a nutshell, think of telemedicine as a video call with your doctor. You can explain your symptoms, talk about your treatment options, and even receive a diagnosis for certain conditions. 

This is a huge step forward for both doctor and patient. First of all, patients can get faster care from the comfort of their own homes. No more waiting for an appointment and driving to the office while you feel so sick you can barely move. 

Doctors can see more patients, save time, and use patient data to refine their diagnostic processes and future treatment plans. 

4. Remote Patient Monitoring

Another piece of health technology information that goes hand-in-hand with telemedicine is the concept of remote patient monitoring. 

Somewhat similarly to telemedicine, RPM lets patients with lifelong or chronic conditions send important vital signs and healthcare data to their doctors — without having to schedule an in-office checkup. 

Health devices and equipment like wearable heart-rate monitors, blood pressure sleeves, and more will collect the patient’s health data.

If you have a condition like hip abductor weakness (visit this page to learn more about it) you may also need to send your doctor a record of how many steps you take each day. 

Then, they’ll send it to the doctor, who will then decide if the patient needs to make an in-office visit. 

This is a huge advantage for disabled patients and saves everyone time and energy. 

5. Bio-Printing

You’ve heard about 3-D printing in the architectural and design worlds. 

But did you know that it’s becoming especially popular in the medical field as well? 

3-D printing, often referred to as “bio-printing” in the healthcare world, can create implants, joints, and other kinds of prosthetics.

The technology doesn’t just deliver these prosthetics to the patients much faster than in the past. It’s exact nature also allows patients to receive prosthetics and other printed parts that are an exact match for their needs. This can help to give a patient a greater range of mobility and ensures that they’re as comfortable as possible. 

3-D printing is also being used to create new synthetic skin for severe burn victims. 

Additionally, 3-D printing is even beginning to be used to create artificial organs.

This is a truly life-saving medical advancement, as patients would no longer have to wait for the organ that they need to survive to become available. We will soon be able to print things like blood vessels, pancreases, and even ovaries. 

Over time, the printed organs grow and adapt to the patient’s body, so the transition is as safe as possible. 

Health Technology Information Shows No Signs of Slowing Down

Whether you need to make sure you’re properly managing your asthma or if you’re concerned that you won’t survive the long organ donor waitlist, we hope that this post has given you hope. 

The truth is that health technology information is always in flux, and new advancements are made every day. 

And while healthcare technology can certainly help to give you more control over your conditions? It’s still up to you to monitor your health and follow your doctor’s orders every day. 

Looking for more tips on how to stay healthy and happy? Curious about what’s next in the wide world of medicine? 

Keep checking back in with us to make sure you always put your health first. 

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