Chronic pain affects approximately 50 million US adults. That’s almost 20% of adults in the country. Meanwhile, 8% are living with high-impact chronic pain.

Living with chronic pain can impact your mood, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Don’t let your pain control your life! Instead, give these nine tips a try. If you’re living in severe pain, these tips can help lessen your symptoms.

Ease your pain symptoms away with these tips for relief.

1. Change Your Workstation

Instead of living with chronic pain, take strides to change your environment.

First, take a look at your workspace. If you’re spending hours in front of a computer each day, a workstation that isn’t ergonomically sound could contribute to the pain.

Adjust your desk chair’s height so your feet rest flat against the floor.

Then, adjust your computer monitor. Make sure the top of the screen is either at or below eye-level when you’re seated.

If you’re living with severe pain, make strides to change your workstation. Put your keyword and mouse on a slide-out tray. Make sure your wrists are in a neutral position and keep them from bending when you type.

It’s also important to take breaks when you work in front of a computer all day. Stretch, move around, and give your eyes and hands the chance to rest.

You can adjust your driver’s seat to relieve strain and stress on your back, too. Make sure your feet can comfortably reach the pedals. You should also maximize visibility of your windshield and mirrors.

If possible, move your seat’s lumbar support so it hugs your lower back. You can also purchase a cushion to make sure your seat offers adequate support.

2. Get Active

Exercise is a great way to manage your pain.

If you’re living with severe pain, not moving can lead to more pain. Consider speaking with a doctor or physical therapist about exercises that are safe, given your condition. Your exercise program should consider your current fitness level as well as your diagnosis.

You don’t have to stick to the gym, either. Try exercising at home or going for a walk outside.

Exercise can help you maintain your mobility, which will make living with chronic pain easier. A little exercise each day will also keep your joints flexible and muscles active. Flexibility can help keep your chronic pain symptoms at bay.

Exercising regularly can also help you avoid disuse syndrome.

You can develop this condition if your muscles become weak from inactivity. When your muscles are weak, they’re more vulnerable to pain. This can cause additional injuries.

Make sure to find exercises that are fun and don’t cause additional pain.

3. CBD Products

14% of Americans are using CBD products. CBD, or cannabidiol, can help ease inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation is usually the root cause of chronic pain.

There are many different CBD products you can choose from, including oils, tinctures, gummies, edibles, and topical creams.

CBD works by acting on your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This biological system is responsible for many bodily functions, including:

  • Sleep
  • Appetite and digestion
  • Motor control
  • Learning and memory
  • Muscle formation
  • Mood
  • Reproduction and fertility
  • Stress
  • Skin and nerve function
  • Bone remodeling and growth
  • Inflammation and other immune system responses
  • Metabolism
  • Pain

Using CBD can help you reduce inflammation throughout your body to ease your pain. You can learn more about CBD oil for natural pain relief here.

4. Try Alternative Treatments

Instead of living in chronic pain, try different complementary and alternative medicine options. You can use these treatments along with medications or alone.

Here are a few alternative treatments that can help ease your severe pain:

  • Cupping
  • Mindfulness
  • Herbal medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Energy medicine (eg Reiki)
  • Magnetic therapy
  • Massage therapy

Try one or more of these therapies to determine which best ease your chronic pain.

5. Learn How To Relax

Stress causes your muscles to tense up. Tension can increase the pain you’re experiencing.

Learning how to relax can help you ease strain and pain. There are different relaxation methods you can try, including:

  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Qigong
  • Meditation
  • Guided imagery

These techniques will help you relieve stress and provide a method of gentle exercise.

6. Change Your Diet

The foods you’re eating could contribute to your inflammation. A well-balanced diet, on the other hand, can:

  • Improve your digestion
  • Keep your weight under control
  • Improve your blood sugar levels

Try eating a low-sodium, low-fat diet. You should eat a mix of:

  • Low-fat cheese, milk, and yogurt
  • Lean meats
  • Whole-grain bread and cereals
  • Cooked dried beans and peas
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

There are also certain foods that can help lower your inflammation. These include:

  • Berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel)
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados
  • Green tea
  • Peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Grapes
  • Turmeric
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa
  • Tomatoes
  • Cherries

Try adding these anti-inflammatory foods to your diet to relieve your pain.

7. Discover Distractions

Focusing on your pain can make it feel more intense. Instead, find activities that keep you busy. These distractions can help you think about something besides your pain.

For example, you might try playing with a pet or coloring in an adult coloring book. These activities will also help relieve your stress, which can, in turn, ease your muscle tension and pain.

8. Seek Support

You don’t have to go through this alone. Instead, consider seeking help. There are support groups available for people living with chronic pain.

They can help provide advice, tips, products, and techniques for pain relief.

9. Speak with Your Doctor

Consider speaking with a doctor about your severe pain. They can help you build a treatment plan for your unique needs.

You can also keep a chronic pain journal. Take notes each time you notice your pain feels better or worse. Make a note of how long the pain lasts, too.

If you’re taking pain medication, make a note if you think it’s working. Record any side effects, too. Keeping this record will help your doctor determine a plan designed to minimize your chronic pain.

Putting Your Pain at Ease: 9 Tips to Help If You’re Living with Chronic Pain

Don’t keep living with chronic pain. Instead, put these nine tips to the test. With this guide, you can discover the techniques and tips that work to ease your pain away!

Explore our latest Health & Fitness posts for more helpful tips!

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