Skiing has become a prominent way to get exercise while gyms have been closed. Between increasing your cardiovascular system and dexterity, skiing is a great way to increase your endurance while taking in a beautiful view.

So what does hitting the slopes really mean for your health? Here’s everything you need to know about skiing and the health benefits it provides.

1. Strengthen Bones

Strengthen Bones

Despite the common myth that bones can never be strengthened, skiing is a great way to increase bone density. Bone density refers to the amount of calcium and other bone-related minerals that are throughout your bones.

The higher amount of calcium and these other minerals typically refers to a healthier skeletal system. When you’re skiing for fitness, you’re putting constant pressure on your bones through your muscles and hitting the slopes themselves.

2. Increase Endurance

Beyond just your muscles, skiing for health increases your cardiovascular system in two different ways. The first is through improving your VO2 max. This refers to the maximum oxygen uptake that your lungs can endure and push through.

The other way is through muscle endurance. When you’re putting constant pressure on the muscles, they tend to strengthen thanks to eccentric tension.

Be sure to check out The Ski Source for more information about skiing.

3. Build Muscle

Build Muscle

Not only can your muscle endure the tension for longer periods of time, but they also start to build muscle as well. In particular, you’ll find an increase in muscle mass in the “core” region as well as the legs.

The constant twisting and turning of your core and legs make it feel like you were constantly hitting the slopes. This is a great functional exercise, making your body work better with the weight it currently has.

4. Improve Balance

When your core muscles are strengthened, you are able to improve your balance typically. This means that you have the core strength to correct when you feel yourself starting to tip or fall over.

This also helps prevent strains of the muscles, as they will be used for quick adjustments. Quick adjustments without notice can lead to minor tears or overstretching in the muscles.

5. Improve Your Proprioception

Improve Your Proprioception

While it sounds like a fancy word, proprioception simply refers to know where your body is without seeing it. It is a continuation of walking, where you just kind of know where you’re going, without necessarily needing to concentrate on the floor underneath you.

As we get older, proprioception begins to decline. Skiing is a great way to help address this in an older population.

Hitting the Slopes Goes Beyond Just Fun

Hitting the slopes has benefits beyond just an exciting trip. You can increase your endurance, improve balance, and learn how to control your body better. Try practicing with a ski instructor first, to prevent injuries.

If you want to learn more about interesting ways to stay healthy, be sure to check out the rest of our blog. If you know someone that is interested in skiing, be sure to share this article with them.

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