In a 2021 survey, 93 percent of Americans admitted that they didn’t yet have their dream careers. You’re one of them β€” and you’re searching for the job that will make you excited to go to work every day.

Maybe you have a few loose ideas of what you want to do. Perhaps you want to help people feel their best, or you might envision a career in a health-related field. You may have searched for ideas and come across the idea of holistic health coaching.

But you have a few questions. What is holistic medicine? And what is a holistic health coach? We have your answers here.

What is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine differs from traditional medicine, which seeks to treat a physical ailment with medical procedures or prescriptions. Instead, practitioners consider all aspects of a patient’s life β€” physical, mental, and emotional β€” to help them find wellness.

To provide the right balance, holistic healthcare practitioners rely on an array of treatments that have been used and passed down for centuries. For example, they might prescribe a cleaner diet to their patients, recommend that they drink herbal teas, or suggest they fill their environment with the aroma of healing essential oils. Ancient practices, such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, and massage are also holistic treatments.

Some people believe that holistic medicine includes herbal treatments of the medicinal marijuana kind, too. That’s entirely up to preference, but you can seek out a medical marijuana doctor if you want that as part of your holistic healthcare plan.

Ultimately, the holistic healthcare professional will work closely with their patient to choose the right treatment path. This, of course, differs from traditional medicine, where doctors make their diagnosis and choose what happens next.

What is a Holistic Health Coach?

What Does Holistic Medicine Include

If you become a holistic health coach, you get to be the person who guides people through their journey to wellness.

First, you will learn what ails your client, as well as how they hope to feel. Some people seek to relieve physical pain, while others want emotional clarity. Then, there will be people who want to change the way they look on the outside as a way to improve how they feel internally.

No matter what, it will be your job to take their goals and turn them into a holistic health plan. Each one will be a well-rounded course of action. That means you won’t just be making a clean diet plan; you’ll be partnering it with ancient treatments to improve a person’s state of mind and physical health, too.

Holistic health coaches dispense their advice in a number of ways. They speak to clients one-on-one, but they also work with groups. You may be called into a workplace, nursing home, or another setting where a large number of people need your expertise.

Discover a New Career in Holistic Health

what is holistic medicine

So, what is a holistic health coach? It’s a person who helps others to become the best version of themselves through ancient practices and clean living. It’s a rewarding career path β€” and maybe it’s the right one for you.

Be sure to check back with us for the latest health and fitness news, as well as technology, travel, business, finance, and law updates.

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