Around 49% of Americans say that stress has negatively impacted their behavior, which shows it’s more common than we think.

Exercise is an effective way for alleviating and managing stress, especially when you choose the right workout. Luckily, there’s a wide range of exercise options so there’s something for everyone. Perhaps you’re struggling with stress and you’re looking for the right exercise to help you.

Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the six best workouts for stress.

1. Yoga


Introduce yoga to your weekly workout routine as it’s a fantastic way of relieving stress. Yoga encourages participants to stay in the moment and focus on their breathing, which lets them escape their hectic schedule and unwind. Also, one of the top benefits of yoga is it’s a type of strength training so you become more resilient and flexible over time.

2. Pilates

If you’re looking for stress-relieving exercises, consider pilates. Like yoga, it encourages you to stay in the moment and focus on the range of movements. Plus, it’s easy to start your Pilates journey at home, perfect for a quick session after work.

3. Walking

Many people aren’t fond of most types of cardio, which is why walking is so great. During this low-intensity workout, you will gradually release tension in muscle groups and quiet the nervous system. You can also reap the benefits after a short walk such as before work or in the evening.

Or, if you want to make it more challenging, go for an outdoor run. Being outside will instantly relax you, especially if you run by the beach or a local beauty spot.

4. HIIT Workout

HIIT Workout

An excellent way of tackling anxiety and stress is treating yourself to a HIIT workout. Most sessions have a mix of cardio, strengthening, and resistance training to keep you focused. Plus, you can find HIIT workouts with no equipment, which makes it accessible to everyone.

5. Tai Chi

Derived from Ancient Chiese martial art, tai chi connects physical movement with breath. It also encourages participants to focus on every action, which lets them fully relax. It’s also popular because it promotes flexibility and boosts energy.

6. Your Favorite Sport

Don’t worry if your favorite sport isn’t listed here, it’s likely still an effective way to relieve stress. For instance, you may love playing basketball with your friends or a session of tennis where you can socialize with others. Regardless of what it is, enjoy it several times a week and you’ll instantly see an improvement in your mental well-being.

And if you’re still struggling to relax, then check out these tips to relieve stress here.

Try These Workouts for Stress Today


Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll try these workouts for stress.

There are many stress-relieving exercises like yoga, pilates, and even tai chi. You should also take the time and walk or enjoy your favorite sports with loved ones. Good luck with your venture!

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