Did you know that the CDC recommends that every adult gets at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise? Many people think that exercise is the only way to burn calories, but that isn’t true. Your body burns calories simply by existing via your resting metabolic rate!

But what is resting metabolic rate? Is there any way that you can change it? Let’s talk about it.

Read on to learn all about your resting metabolic rate.

What Is Resting Metabolic Rate?

Resting Metabolic Rate

Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the rate at which you burn calories when you’re at rest. In other words, how many calories you’ll burn without exercising or even moving.

Most of the calories that you burn throughout the day are due to your resting metabolic rate. Many people think that you have to be actively doing something in order to burn calories, but your body needs to use a lot of calories just to survive.

Remember, while we often think of calories as negative things that only cause us to gain weight, calories are actually energy. Our bodies use calories to keep us moving, digesting, thinking, and more.

So why does knowing your resting metabolic rate matter?

If you’re trying to lose or gain weight, it’s important to know how many calories you burn on average when you’re not exercising. This way, you can adjust your diet and exercise plan as needed and get the results that you’re looking for.

You can calculate your resting metabolic rate, but remember that it might not be completely accurate.

Change Your Resting Metabolic Rate

Can You Change Your Resting Metabolic Rate?

There are ways to change your resting metabolic rate if you’re trying to meet specific goals. If you increase your RMR, you’ll be able to achieve faster weight loss because you’ll be burning more calories even when you’re at rest.

You could buy a product to help, such as:Β https://sportstechnologylabs.com/product/sr9009-stenabolic-20mg-ml/. Caffeine may also slightly boost your RMR, though make sure not to over-use it.

Exercise will actually boost your RMR long-term if you do it right.

If you like cardio, try trading your steady-state cardio in for high-intensity interval training a few days per week. You should get a metabolic boost for a few hours after the exercise is done, even if you’re completely at rest.

For an even bigger boost, build muscle.

The more you weigh, the higher your RMR is going to be. Your body needs to use energy to sustain your body at a certain rate. Instead of overworking yourself trying to get to the lowest possible weight, use strength training to maintain or even gain weight while losing fat.

Do Aerobic Exercise

Each pound of muscle burns 6 calories per day. That might not seem like much, but it adds up!

Resting Metabolic Rate: It Matters!

If you’ve never thought about how many calories it takes just for you to stay alive and functioning, calculate your resting metabolic rate! You might be shocked at what you find.

So what is resting metabolic rate? It’s the number of calories that you burn when you’re at rest. So what’s yours?

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