Now that you’ve got a steady clientele for your yoga classes, it’s a good time to branch out. This can come in many forms. As a yoga studio, you’re probably looking to increase your number of classes.

But, why should you stop there? Growing your yoga studio doesn’t have to be limited to teaching classes.

Tips to Grow Your Yoga Studio

There are other, more effective ways to grow your yoga studio. These 5 powerful tips will help increase your customer base, while also creating long-term business.

Effective Marketing

Build a Yoga Website

To grow your yoga studio use the power of marketing. The one thing you should know about content marketing, is that cross-channel marketing is best. You don’t have to limit yourself to only one marketing medium. And most times, it’s better when you don’t.

Social media is possibly one of the best marketing mediums. It has a far reach and allows you to easily engage with your audience. For a yoga studio, this means it will be easier to find people who fit your niche.

You can also use social media to direct potential students to your website. This, in turn, makes it easier to convince them to subscribe to your email list. Once they’ve joined your mailing list, it’s easier to turn leads into sales.

Marketing is all about engagement, and content isn’t only the written word. Videos and images are content too, and people respond better to visuals.

Remember, don’t focus solely on promotion. Aim to connect with your current and future students.

When it comes to tech, there’s always something new in the works. It’s an ever-evolving industry and a supportive one too. Tech supports all businesses in all markets, no matter how small the niche.

Yoga studio software will make it easier for you to focus on your students. It will do all the admin work for you. This includes making bookings, managing your schedule, and accepting payments. The best software will also have marketing and sales functions, including a website for your yoga studio.

Yoga apps have become incredibly popular for those solo practitioners. You could consider creating tutorials and recording yoga sessions for an app. It’s a way to increase your income and expand your business.

Of course, you might have to hire someone to create the app for you, but it will be worth the expense.


Build A Brand Presence & Community

Provide value and create a community of loyal followers. You need to develop a relationship with your students. Even if you only learn the basics, people like it when you take a personal interest in them.

Your yoga studio should be a calming place, filled with warmth and welcome. Yoga is meant to relax you after a long day or energize you for the day ahead. Your brand needs to reflect that – in the studio, on your website, and on social media.

As we said, having a strong social media presence will help. Share helpful tips on Facebook and Instagram, and encourage them to engage with you. Create theme days for your studio and all your marketing platforms.

Increasing brand awareness is essential, but don’t think of it as promoting your business. Think of it as creating a community for your students to connect with you and each other.

Hire Amazing Staff

People are more likely to keep coming back and referring you when you have staff that loves what they do and love where they work. Hire people that are dedicated and want to be there every day to grow your yoga studio.

Your staff plays a vital role in creating that welcoming and warm atmosphere. When hiring, choose people who are excited about yoga and enjoys teaching others.

The best way to find these beautiful souls is by going to your network first. Put a notice on social media and your website. Those who have attended your classes are more likely to enjoy teaching a few too.

If that doesn’t work out, post a job ad on Indeed. Hundreds of job searchers are on there every day. You’ll get tons of applicants.

Easy Yoga Poses

Sell Yoga Products

If you want to branch out your business, selling yoga products is the next step. You can sell them directly from your studio, or on your website. It is an effective way to grow your yoga studio. If you’re selling on your website, you’ll need to use a courier service to deliver the items.

You could settle for just a few types of products like yoga mats and yoga bricks. Or, you could sell yoga circles, straps (or resistance bands), towels, etc. You can buy these from a yoga wholesaler and add your logo to them before reselling them.

If you don’t have storage space in your studio, consider renting a storage unit. This will keep the products safe and secure until they’re ready to be sold.

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