Property damage like vandalism and theft are common in Orlando, whether we’re talking about residential or commercial buildings. When it happens, your first responsibility is investigating the losses incurred. Doing so will help you file a theft and vandalism claim to your insurance company. You’ll have ample repair expenses to cover, and a settlement from your insurer would be very helpful. However, it’s not exactly easy to assess property damage, document it, and file a claim to the insurance company. Merkury Public Adjusters, a professional Orlando public adjuster, would efficiently handle the procedures, allowing you precious time to consider the next steps.

As a business owner falling prey to vandalism or theft, your primary responsibility is resuming business activity. That’s why delegating the damage assessment to a public adjuster makes more sense. Even residential homeowners should hire a competent public adjuster to inspect the theft or vandalism damage. Otherwise, the insurance company may underpay or deny your claim for the following reasons:

Ø  Insufficient damage documentation

Ø  Unclear link established between damage received and losses incurred

Ø  Insufficient knowledge of claim procedures and insurance policy regulations

Ø  Apologetic attitude

Ø  Making assumptions about the incident, which may be wrong, leading to a loss of credibility

The truth is that insurance companies operate a business, and they analyze property damage in their best interest. They’ll always try to underpay or deny your claim, for obvious reasons. The average homeowner in Orlando lacks the knowledge and experience to deal with the company’s scam efficiently. However, a theft damage public adjuster doesn’t have that problem. They’re experts regarding claim procedures, insurance policy exceptions, and regulations, and they can foresee the cheap tricks used by your insurance company.

Are vandalism and theft damage assessments complicated?

Assessing the damage yourself is similar to representing yourself in court and building the appeal alone. While you may be able to touch upon some key aspects, you’ll overlook others. Moreover, you won’t know how to counter the prosecution’s arguments against you. That’s why most people prefer hiring an attorney to represent them in court. Assessing property damage, preparing documentation, and negotiating with an insurance company is the same. The insurance public adjuster will try to undervalue your claim, invoke exceptions and regulations, and play tricks on you.

Vandalism or theft property damage is difficult to assess because of the erratic and complex nature of the incident. A vandalism damage public adjuster knows where to look, what to search for, and how to prepare the proper documentation. They will take pictures, consult relevant documents, interrogate witnesses, and ask the right questions. Public adjusters know what documentation insurance companies need to offer the maximum settlement. They’re experts possessing ample experience in assessing property damage.

Without a public adjuster to guide you, it’ll be hard to obtain reasonable compensation from your insurer. In most cases where a public adjuster is involved, the client always obtains higher settlements than their insurer initially offers. Even if they deny your claim, a good public adjuster can reopen it, redo the damage documentation, and get you a more significant settlement. Moreover, insurance companies have to accept the damage documentation provided by a licensed public adjuster. They may not like it, but that’s irrelevant.

Another advantage of hiring a theft and vandalism public adjuster is that it prevents insurance companies from assessing the property damage themselves. When that happens, it usually results in a denied claim or a settlement disproportional to the losses incurred. Instead, when you hire a public adjuster, they will work in your best interest. The damage documentation they make is fair, concise, and objective. All that’s left is filing the claim and obtaining the settlement!

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