Are you thinking of fighting a personal injury case? You’re making the right move. But you need to be smart and choose the right lawyer. We discussed how you can do this below.

How To Choose A Good Personal Injury Lawyer

Your Gut

There are a plethora of personal injury lawyers around. You need to be mindful of this and work with someone with who you feel comfortable. Accident cases are more sensitive than other types, so you need to be very comfortable with each other. You may not work well together and win the case otherwise.

To make sure you find someone suitable, don’t be afraid to look around. In general, consultations with a car accident lawyer are free. Make use of them. This way, you can filter your options and sort the results according to those injury lawyers that best suit your needs.

Track Record

lawyer for business

The lawyer may have been great in the past. But unfortunately, he may not be as good as he was. Doing research would let you know this. Popular names tend to be the most successful. How else would they have gotten so much acclaim?

You not only need a lawyer that has a great record, but he needs to be skilled in the type of case you’re fighting.

His track record in settlements and trials may be different. You want a name that has performed well in both. Look for someone trusted like Steven Polak, a personal injury lawyer. He’s known for having a successful negotiation rate as well as court performance.

His Training

Similar to the above point, you need to know how much training he has. Let’s say there are two options with equally superb track histories. How do you know which one is better then? By comparing the training between the two.

Lawyers are not shy about the qualifications they’ve picked up along the way – it helps them get more clients after all. A quick visit to their sites would let you know who is better trained.



Lawyers are expensive. Personal injury ones are no different. You’re filing a case to win money. However, the amount you’re paying the lawyer could be putting you at a loss.

Talk to people you know. They may recommend someone who doesn’t charge a lot. Of course, don’t go for someone who is too cheap. Their services may not be up to standard.

Who Will Be Handling The Case?

Although you might be paying him to handle the situation, the lawyer might not be the one doing it. A lot of the time, lawyers get their paralegals or secretaries to brief you about what’s going on. As you can imagine, the experience wouldn’t be great as there’d be a wall between you and the person who is supposed to help.

How Busy Is He?

what makes a good lawyer

If the lawyer is always busy, this could indicate that he’s sought after. You want someone who doesn’t have just a few clients. That being said, working with a lawyer who’s juggling 10 other cases is not the best. His attention would be divided, which could lead to you possibly losing your case.

Having run through the above points, it’s clear that there are many things to consider when choosing a lawyer. You can work with the best of the best if you follow these tips. You wouldn’t be spending through your nose either.

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