From motor vehicle accidents and slip-n-falls to electrocution and overexertion, workplace accidents are a major doozy for employers and employees alike. Several of the most common workplace accidents, including falling from heights, being struck by moving objects, or being exposed to an illness, are reasonably preventable. Still, there’s no guarantee they won’t happen from time to time or that you won’t be the untimely victim of a dangerous situation on the job.

In addition to the physical harm associated with workplace accidents, employees may experience significant psychological distress after undergoing an accident. Traumatic stress disorders, guilt, and feelings of depression are just a few implications of a distressing event at work. If you find yourself having taken a major work-related spill (figuratively or literally), consult these five steps to take after a workplace incident.

Research whether suing your employer is a viable solution

While the thought of taking legal action against your employer might raise feelings of guilt or discomfort, it may be your only opportunity to receive adequate compensation for the injuries you’ve sustained. When an employer offers workers’ compensation insurance, they protect themselves from defending personal injury claims.

Research whether suing your employer is a viable solution

However, suppose you believe your employer intentionally caused you harm, victimized you via grossly reckless and negligent conduct, or lacks adequate workers’ compensation insurance. In that case, you may have a basis for a civil lawsuit.  If your circumstances warrant suing your employer, contact Schwartzapfel personal injury attorneys to move forward with your case.

Receive an examination from a physician

As soon as an injury occurs, make an appointment with your doctor. Receiving the proper medical treatment is not only critical to your physical health but also ensures your legal team has access to a documented professional medical diagnosis in the case of a lawsuit. Avoid waiting long before visiting your physician, as delaying the appointment may result in a less accurate medical record of your injury.

Report the injury to your employer

Even if you haven’t decided whether you’re ready to pursue legal recourse, you must report the injury in writing to your supervisor and HR manager. Without written documentation of the injury’s occurrence, your chances of obtaining worker’s compensation funds are slim to none. Keep a record of how much work you miss following the injury, take necessary photographs of the injury scene, and any physical abnormalities to follow.

Report the injury to your employer

Furthermore, the report will help bring potentially unsafe environments to your supervisor’s attention so that they may improve the safety of your workplace.

File your workers’ compensation claim

Workers’ compensation claims don’t function as a lawsuit against your employer, so if you’re worried about creating an awkward situation with your boss, you don’t need to sweat it. Once you report your injury, your supervisor should immediately provide you with a workers’ compensation claim form (and if they don’t, you ought to request one). If your employer doesn’t have the form on hand, you can contact your state’s Workers’ Compensation Office. Fill out documentation immediately as some states have a statute of limitations for receiving benefits.

Do your homework

Familiarizing yourself with your state’s workers’ compensation laws can help ensure you don’t get taken advantage of during the aftermath. Plus, reading up on your company’s policies regarding workplace accidents will let you know what to expect. Consider hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer to make sure your company follows through with its obligations post-accident since some businesses may try to skirt responsibilities in the name of saving money.

Do your homework

Parting thoughts

Whether your injuries are chronic or you’ve simply suffered a few minor bumps and bruises, ensuring you receive access to the proper care and compensation is a must. With the complications of your accident in the rearview, nothing will stand in your way of getting back to work.

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