If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, your primary concern after a car accident is going to be your physical well-being. Similarly, you’ll want to ensure that anyone else involved hasn’t sustained serious or life-threatening injuries. However, a road traffic accident has multiple consequences, including legal ramifications.

Many people are unsure whether they need a car accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale after a car accident, but there are many benefits associated with getting legal advice in these types of situations. If you’ve been involved in one of the 34,046 car accidents that occurred in Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas over the last year, take a look at the following reasons why you should hire a lawyer after a car accident:

1. Prove You Weren’t at Fault

Prove You Weren’t at Fault

When accidents occur, people are sometimes quick to blame victims, in an attempt to evade justice. If you’re wrongly accused of causing an accident, you could be held liable and forced to pay compensation to those affected. Of course, if you weren’t responsible for the incident, it’s important to prove that you weren’t at fault. This protects your liability and ensures that you won’t be required to pay compensation.

2. Obtain Compensation for Property Damage

Compensation for Property Damage

If the accident has caused substantial damage to your vehicle, it might be a write-off. If so, you’ll need to fund the cost of acquiring another vehicle. Although your insurance policy might cover some of this cost, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to make up the shortfall when purchasing a new car.

However, if your vehicle has been damaged due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to sustain the financial losses that flow from it. Nearly 25,000 people in Broward County experience property damage due to road traffic accidents every year and hiring a lawyer could mean that you’re able to claim the cost of this damage back from the person or people responsible for the incident.

3. Claim Compensation for Your Injuries

car accident injuries

While property can be replaced, your health and well-being are far more precious. If you’ve sustained physical injuries because of a car accident, you may require intensive medical treatment and/or physical rehabilitation. Furthermore, some injuries might have a long-term or permanent impact on your ability to work or undertake day-to-day tasks.

When you claim compensation with help from a car accident lawyer, you can ensure that you’re properly compensated for the physical, practical, and emotional harm you’ve sustained. From lost wages when you’re unable to work to the cost of accessing home help, an unexpected accident can have a devastating impact on your finances, which is why it’s important to assert your legal rights.

More than 3,000 people have been killed on Florida’s roads every year and thousands of more sustain injuries. When you’re involved in a car accident, seeking legal advice and taking action gives you an opportunity to highlight the dangers of the road and it may even encourage other people to make safer choices. With the right professional support, you can mitigate the long-term impact of a car accident in Fort Lauderdale and help others to do the same.

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